3-5 september 2021



Awarded the Trondheim Municipality’s Culture Prize for 2020!!!

Festival 2021

A number of prominent artists and musicians from whole Norway, as well as from the Trøndelag will join together in elevating the Jewish Culture Festival 2021 to new heights.

September the 4th, violinist Arve Tellefsen will be standing on the podium of the Trondheim synagogue to play the violin of the famous pre-war “Palmehaven” conductor – the late Jac Maliniak.

Composer and musician Henning Sommerro, will present his new work with an orchestra of eight musicians on stage. They will perform a piece of the commissioned work – “People of the book”. This project should have been performed in connection with the festival’s tenth year anniversary last year. But then, there were such strict infection control measures that we arranged only a mini festival.

It is still rather strict this year as well, but now, we are aiming at filling at least half the hall during festival’s concerts, talks and lectures.

Infection control

About infection control at the Jewish Cultural Festival Trondheim

Jewish Cultural Festival Trondheim follows the government’s advice and rules for infection control.

Here are the routines that apply to us:

As a result of the authorities’ requirements for events, we as the responsible organizer must know everyone who participates in the festival. Those who have not bought a ticket in advance and thus are already registered, we ask you to fill in your name and telephone number when they come to the festival.

Guidelines for the use of face masks
We recommend the use of a face mask when moving around the building. When you sit down you can take it off. If you do not have your own, it will be possible to buy one at the reception in the synagogue. The price is NOK 10 per piece.

Children under middle school age do not need to wear a face mask.

Before you come
We recommend everyone to buy the tickets digitally at www.jkfest.no. In order to comply with the authorities’ requirements for infection detection, you will be asked to provide contact information about yourself. We have a limited number of places in line with current regulations. We recommend planning ticket purchases well in advance of the festival.

What do I do if I feel sick?
If you have been in contact with infected people, are in quarantine, feel ill or have symptoms of illness, it is important that you stay at home. Contact us if you become ill to get your tickets refunded.

Where do I enter?
To enter the synagogue, you must go through a security booth. Our security guards can ask to see the contents of your bags or purse. We do this for everyone’s safety.

When queuing, we ask you to take care of the one-meter.

Arrive before the events well in advance and be patient. We carry out the festival with infection control throughout the building, and everyone will be assigned places.

In the café on the ground floor, there is table service in accordance with the authorities’ infection control regulations.

Hand washing and hygiene
Remember to disinfect your hands on arrival. The entire building will be disinfected.

Since we have to calculate plenty of space – at least one meter – between the individual audience, our hosts will refer you to your space.

If you have questions about infection control at the festival, you can contact us at post@jkfest.no



  • Day 1

    September 3, 2021

  • Day 2

    September 4, 2021

  • Day 3

    September 5, 2021

  • Venue: Quality Hotel Augustin, Kongens gate 26.
    Popular event that is quickly sold out due to a limited number of seats.

    Artists: Shira Etana Klezmerensemble

    Ticket price NOK 575- (Includes four-course Shabbat dinner. Drinks will be added.)

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    Hvor: Quality Hotel Augustin

  • Venue: Trøndelag Theater.
    Artists: Madeleine Brandtzæg Nilsen and Jon Vegard Hovland 

    Ticket price adults NOK 150, children free. Everyone must buy a ticket even when the tickets are free.

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    Hvor: Trøndelag teater

  • The festival's opening performance with violinist Arve Tellefsen and pianist Tina Margareta Nilssen, speeches, interviews and features with festival artists. Trondheim's mayor Rita Ottervik opens this year's festival. Location: Synagogue.
    Artists: Arve Tellefsen, Tina Margareta Nilssen

    Ticket price: NOK 100

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Venue: Trøndelag Theater.
    Artists: Madeleine Brandtzæg Nilsen and Jon Vegard Hovland 

    Ticket price adults NOK 150, children free. Everyone must buy a ticket even when the tickets are free.

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    Hvor: Trøndelag Theater

  • "People of the book", commissioned work for the festival's 10th anniversary of Henning Sommerro
    Artist: Henning Sommerro

    Sverre Johan Aal, song
    Rick de Geyter, clarinet
    Ola Lindseth, violin
    Hans Petter Stangnes, Trumpet
    Mona Spigseth, piano
    Marit Aspås, cello
    Rolf Balterzen, double bass
    Anders Kristiansen, percussion

    Location: Synagogue. Arkitekt Christies gate 1B.

    Ticket price: Adults NOK 290/100 (student) / 240 (with discount)

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Women in the Old Testament Conversation between Rabbi Lynn Feinberg and Domprost Ragnhild Jepsen. Henriette Kahn is moderating the conversation. Introduction to the exhibition “And God created woman” straight after at Trondhjem Art Association.
    Speakers: Henriette Kahn, Ragnhild Jepsen, Lynn Feinberg

    Location: Synagogue. Ticket price: NOK 100

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Opening of the exhibition "And God created woman" Free entrance. Everyone must buy a ticket even when the tickets are free.

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    Hvor: Trondhjems kunstforening/Café Ni Muser

  • Ever since its inception in 2001, Urban Tunéll's Klezmerband has focused on disseminating klezmer music, Jewish folk music from Eastern Europe, in an innovative and untraditional way. With basic respect for tradition, they bring music into our time.
    Artist: Urban Tunélls Klezmerband

    Ticket price: Adults NOK 325/100 (student) / 275 (with discount)

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Nina Grünfeld talks with Berit Reisel about her book "Where did it all come from" and researcher Synne Corell, historian associated with the Center for Holocaust Studies and Philosophy Minorities about her forthcoming book "Liquidation".
    Speakers: Nina Grünfeld, Berit Reisel, Synne Corell

    Ticket price NOK 100

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Who will tell the story when the last survivor is dead?
    A panel discussion on how and who will tell the story of the Norwegian Holocaust to future generations. Introduction by author Mattis Øybø. In the panel, associate proffessor and author Roar Ræstad, student Thelma Sundby, author Mattis Øybø and leader of the Trondheim Labor Party, Hanne Moe Bjørnbet.
    Snorre Valen leads the panel.
    Speakers: Snorre Valen, Mattis Øybø, Roar Ræstad, Thelma Sundby, Hanne Moe Bjørnbet

    Ticket price: NOK 100

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Visitors get to experience the museum's exhibitions "From Shtetl to diocesan town", about Jewish immigration, "Home. Away. Holocaust in Trondheim» and “Homecoming 1945-47”.
    Ticket price: Adults NOK 70, - Student / children NOK 40, -

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    Hvor: Jewish museum Trondheim/synagogue

  • Two groups follow the same route, but not at the same time. Group 1 is led by principal Ralph Buchmann and historian Terje Bratberg. Group 2 is led by art historian Daniel Johansen and historian Sebastian Klein.
    Guides: Ralph Buchmann, Terje Bratberg, Daniel Johansen, Sebastian Klein

    Attendance: The Synagogue.
    Ticket price NOK 100

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Artist: Henning Sommerro

    Sverre Johan Aal, song
    Rick de Geyter, clarinet
    Mona Spigseth, piano
    Ticket price: Adults NOK 225, -100, - (student) / 175, - (with discount)

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    Hvor: Synagogue

  • Samech is an ensemble that makes music with sweeping melodies and a strong rhythmic drive. They combine a world music tradition with fresh and exciting new music. They combine a world music tradition with fresh and exciting new music.
    Artist: Samech

    Anna Ostachowska, viola
    Marit Aspås, cello
    Rolf Balterzen, double bass
    Robert Sztorc, percussion
    Miki Campins, percussion
    Ticket price: NOK 325, - 100, - (student) / 275, - (with discount)

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    Hvor: Synagogue


Jewish Cultural Festival is organized with both public and private support

Det Jødiske Samfunn i Trondheim       Familien Ragle       Jenssen & Co AS.